Sunday, July 15, 2007

My name is Sarah. And I am a chocoholic....

I feel like I need to come clean early....I love chocolate. I have to have it every day, I crave it! Which is probalby why I cannot lose my baby-weight. And I am beginning to be ok with that b/c there is no way that I can stop eating it! Reese's are my absolute favorite, Hershey kisses are my second, and bringing in third is the fabulous snicker bar! I know this is something I should probably not be telling everyone...but as long as I have some chocolate and a Dr Pepper, I am happy!

Since we bought this house, and finally got the pool into working order, we spend a lot of time in it. And my girls just LOVE LOVE LOVE the pool. Bella....oh my gosh.....she is a natural swimmer. Granted, she does have a floatie in that swimsuit, but she has no fear. A few days ago, James grabbed her and threw her into the pool....and I FREAKED out! I could not believe he would do that. And as Bella surfaced, she was freaking out, too....which James thinks was my fault b/c I freaked out. Turns out that he has been doing that for some time now and she thinks its hilarious once she gets the water out of her eyes and nose! I still have a hard time watching it, but I do watch...and am ready to jump in and save her :). Aube does very well, too....she just sits there in her "yacht" and splashes at the water. I am so glad they like it. James has gone thru a lot with that pool....hehe....keeping it clean and Ph-balanced! Hopefully the weather will keep cooperating and we will get ourselves a TX tan!

Personally, I am not much of a swimmer. I miss my Aunt Karen's pool in Vegas, nice and HEATED...there is just something unappealing about initially getting into cold water! I'm just spoiled.....

The previous owner of our house had an old piano that she sold us for $200. Totally worth it...and you will know why just by seeing the pictures below. James has piano playing in his blood and I absolutely love it. My hope for my girls is to have them have a love for the piano as I do. And it looks like that hope is coming true. Bella may bang a bit loud....but when James will play, she will sit quietly by and watch. One day, she had her horse (given to her by Nancy, so we named the horse Nancy) sitting next to her on the piano bench and was taking the "hooves" and tapping the keys. Makes my heart melt.....
And last but not least....I must show some pictures of the FRO....the humidity here is absolutely NUTS...duh, its TX...Bella's hair has taken on a life of its own. I have to put it back in a pony tail every day or she starts to look like a brunette Little Orphan Annie :). We are debating whether or not to put her in that red dress for Halloween or maybe the Bride of Frankenstein...we have yet to decide. James has been planning Halloween costumes since Christmas...

Before and After...


Shannon said...

Sarah, I LOVE Bella's hair! It totally fits her personality, she couldn't have it any other way! too cute. and PS i am jealous of your pool!

Kelli said...

I am also jealous of your pool, and Bella's hair is hilarious. The three of us totally need to get together, I didn't get to know you well enough while you lived in our ward! I feel about Coke the way you do about chocolate. I'm thinking of dedicating my blog to its deliciousness. "An Ode to Coke."

Big G said...

Ha! Sorry, I am late catching up on all of your fun blogs!Ü I am glad to know that I am not the only one! Only with me, it's a Pepsi and a Candy Bar and it's just about everyday and Gareth gives me the hardest time! Finally someone else like me!