Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of Kinder!

Bell had a great first day of school Ü.
And you know I had to spruce up her backpack Ü...
thanks to an idea my friend, Shannon, came up with last year.
Note to self: don't procrastinate, get things done before the night before so you're not up till 1am!
I think the two musketeers missed each other.
Before we left this morning, Bella sat down with Aube for a "pep talk".
She says: Aube, I will be gone for a long time today and you are going to miss me.
Aube says: I'm going to play Mario Kart and you can't play.
But who ran up to who and gave them a nice big ole hug?! Yup...
I thought I would be more emotional than I was...but thanks to some good friends I was busy the ENTIRE day and was able to keep my mind off it with some good food and retail therapy Ü.
I'm SO EXCITED she's in school. When I picked her up and she was listing the things she had done that day, I was even more excited. What an awesome thing....a child...growing and learning!


MommaLove said...

I am so glad that it was such a nice experience for you both! oh.... and Daddy too!! Ask Aubree if maybe Grammy could play Mario Kart with her sometime??? I still remember James' first day of school with all of the Spanish speaking kids.... the teacher said EVERYTHING twice! Once in English and then again in Spanish. I was ticked that he was missing out on half of his kindergarten experience!!! He seems to be ok now though.......

Anonymous said...


Bell Family Blog said...

Love her backpack Sarah, so cute!!

MommaLove said...

How do you say, "Anonymous is my favorite" in Spanish???

Jenni said...

Her backpack is too cute and good for you for finding things to keep you busy yesterday!