Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's almost time.... be 5 months old.
Tomorrow, this little dude is one month older!
We have several names for our little 5 month old.
Mr. Wiggly....he is a mover and a put him in one spot, and he ends up allllll the way over in another spot. Kickin' those legs....he's gonna be crawling no time!
Mr. Awesome....cause he sleeps thru the night, bless his kind soul.
Mr. Slober-face.....if you see him, he's probably got a big line of drooling connecting him to whatever he's laying on or whoever is holding him!  
Mr. Cute-ness...cause, well...he's cute. Ü
Mr. Smiles....cause he always has one...for whoever and whenever.
Happy 5 months, little dude....It really has been a happy 5 months!


Jenni said...

He really is so darn cute!

Krista said...

Aww!! I can't believe it's been five months already!! He's such a cutie pie!! You are so lucky he is sleeping through the night!

Julie said...

What a cutie! Time sure flies and it really isn't fair. I spent the first 6 months of Ellie's life wishing she were older so she would get out of the colic stage and now she has been out of it I want all of that time back because a year is approaching in just 2 short months :(

Enjoy your little dude!