Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Little Song and Dance

Awwww.....look at that happy couple! It is a wonder what SIX years will do to a memory...
My sister-in-law is getting married next month, so she called me to see what James and I danced to as the first dance at our wedding. To her I replied, Home to You by Tim McGraw, thinking the song I had playing in my head was exactly right. A couple days went by....and I got to thinking "I wonder if James remembers such an IMPORTANT song!" So I asked....and his typical James-response was "I'm not going to tell you, b/c you dont know and if I tell you then you will know and just say that I didnt know" If you know James then that quotation makes PERFECT sense! But for those of you who don't, let me wife-summarize it for ya! He doesn't know but yet he wants me to think he knows by playing mind trickery with me!! So, for awhile, we were going back and forth with it, neither one of us wanting to give up our information....but FINALLY, I gave in, as I always do, and started to sing "You are my best friend, you are where my heart is, I know at the day's end...I get to come home to you" which in MY mind was being sung in the sexy voice of Tim McGraw. He laughed at me and swore up and down that it WASNT we took it to the internet...and lo and behold, THAT song is sung by John Michael Montgomery....blah blah blah....
BUT there IS a song called Best Friend sung by Tim, so I wasnt completely wrong! HA! It goes "Your more than a lover, there could never be another, that makes me feel the way you do. OH, we just get closer, fall in love all over, every time I look at you."
Either way....we have no record of what our first song was....SO we both have no clue! How sad is that?? When our daughters ask what our song is...we won't have one--we have TWO!
So...summer TV sucks big time....but there is this light a couple nights a week when So You Think You Can Dance is on and then you can usually get a few laughs out of Last Comic Standing. No light tonite! Houck (or however you spell it) is gone from SYTYCD and on Last Comic...there was maybe a chuckle here and there...but NO ONE WAS HILARIOUS...and you would think that on a show like that there would be some hilariousness going on! And to think that these were the awful must the people have been who were kicked out before!!
Today Aube had her 9 month appt and shots. She is doing the high end of the scale at 22 lbs, she is in the 95% for weight and 85% for height. The Dr was positive in saying that at the rate she is going she should even out for weight and actually be below her height percentage by one. Hopefully we can keep on that track. She did so well! She didn't even really cry after the shot....just looked at me with those "why did you do that to me" eyes! I can't believe she is already 9 months! Time has really flown by....this pic is from 9 months ago! Such a cute little chubbers...


Shannon said...

i love that "mind trickery", so funny! and i can't beleive Hok got voted of SYTYCD! I haven't been watching b/c of work and now i won't watch anymore, he and Jamie were the best when i was watching. And you are forgeting the best, trashiest summer show there is: Big Brother! I love the wedding pic btw, you both look so young and innocent! :)

Missy said...

I LOVE SYTYCD! And I really thought the judges got it right. I like Hok, but he's just not versatile at all! And all of his solos haven't been great. I'm a die hard fan as you can probably tell. It's the one thing I look forward to during the week (isn't that sad??) I can happily say that John and I both remember what song we danced to because it was this really random Lifehouse song that's over 5 minutes long (try slow dancing that long!) and it turns out some friends of ours danced to the exact same song! It's only be 4 1/2 years for us though. Surely someone at your wedding may remember what song it was! You never know!

Christina said...

Love the wedding pic! AWWWW....the good old days! hahahaha Ritchie and I just busted out the wedding pics the other night! It's been almost 7 years for us! Aug. 5 it will be 7 years! Holy Smokes!!

Anonymous said...

Do you remember what my favorite color is? Yeah, I didn't think so.