Thursday, February 14, 2008

10 things I LOVE about my valentine <3

10. He lets me be me, no matter how difficult that may be.
9. He loves his children with all his heart.
8. He loves my cold skin.
7. He can make me laugh and make me want to hit him all in the same milli-second.
6. He makes me laugh...yes, I put this twice...because its just not a ha-ha laugh...he makes me feel JOY.
5. He is thoughtful, especially when given the benefit of the doubt.
4. He's a good kisser Ü.
3. He takes care of his family....a good Patriarch of our family.
2. He still loves me, even though Im fatter, uglier and meaner ;) than I was when he married me!
I love that he and I are a perfect matter how hard it gets or how much frustration is felt, I know that he is my eternal mate, bound together for Forenity.


Anonymous said...

That's sweet. I'm sure your valentine feels the same about you! He should start a blog. Love you.

Big G said...

HEY YOU! You are beautiful INSIDE AND OUT! You are right though... you are a PERFECT MATCH!

Kelli said...

I'm fatter and meaner, too. And you are not ugly! This is very sweet, but I can't imagine James making anyone laugh...

Krista said...

Ahhhhh!!! So sweet!!

Shannon said...

James, funny? Who woulda thunk?? And please, you are gorgeous and you know it! One hot Super Momma!