Saturday, November 29, 2008

There's no place like home....

For the past week, I have been scoping out the adds for "Black Friday" looking here and there, deciding which shops to go to. I've never gone out shopping on the day after Thanksgiving....never really brave enough to be out in the crowds, but this year I found a couple things for the girls and for other family members that I just couldn't pass up! And maybe it was the stores (I heard the malls were bad) I chose...but it wasn't bad at all! Kohls had some nice lines, but when I checked out they had thinned out. And Target wasn't any worse than any other day! Fun, fun...and I didn't have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn either. Top it off with lunch at Chili's with Kelli and Corgan...and you could say I had a fantastic morning!
Oh and I found these shoes...LOVE THEM. OH man. And hopefully with the help of Ashley, I'll find the perfect dress for James' work party next weekend! I LOVE THESE SHOES (have I said that already?) I have always wanted a red pair of shoes...and these are my perfect ruby slippers! James thinks I'll wind up breaking my leg, but we shall see....he owes me $50 if I stay upright all night!


Anonymous said...

Love the shoes!!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

I love Black Friday shopping! I'm glad that you found some good stuff. The red shoes are really cute!

Kelli said...

I'm so glad you got them, they are totally cute. You'll find the perfect dress, but if you don't, just wear them around the house with your pjs. :)

craftyashley said...

Those are the most awesome shoes! Red shoes work with anything! Black dress, neutral colors, jeans... Hi, my name is Ashley- and I have a shoe addiction.

Jennifer said...

Wow... Those are awesome... I haven't been shoe shopping in forever or dress shopping..:) Cute! :)

Ashley said...

Those are really cute, but my bunions would be hating me! I am excited to help you find the perfect outfit!
I have never and will never shop on Black Friday, don't want to be shot, beat, or trampled! You are brave!

Krista said...

Cute shoes!! I have never been brave enough for black Friday but I actually went to Walmart because I needed groceries. I was having a panic attack on one side of the store because of all the people but it was a ghost town on the side with the food!! Thankfully the checkout line was short too. I'm just not a crowd person!! Good luck on finding that dress!!

Jenny said...

Okay, #1, those red shoes are KILLING ME with envy. And #2 I just looked at your pics on Missy's Photo blog and OH MY GOSH! Have you ever seen more gorgeous pictures of all of you? That one of Bella's big blues is just amazing. Oh my gosh, they are so good.