Friday, December 3, 2010

Another random post by me....

I was going to do this nice big ole post on's the only thing around here non-boring ;). Buuuut...he turns 8 months old on since blogging is slim pickings around here, I'll blog again then.
It's not like its busy or anything around, I think after putting together my 2007 blog book (yes, I know, REALLY behind on that, aren't I?) I got kind of jaded in the blogging department...I wrote about some DUMB stuff. now everytime I sit down to write, I second guess myself! I said...its boring. Oh and it really is busy...

In a WEEK-ish, we are leaving on our big ole trip...I'm so excited! We are driving to Disneyland (squee...) then on to Cedar City to spend Christmas with my family (double squee....). But with a week to go...I'm hoping I can get it all together....I'm working on tshirts, calendars, jewelry, books, sewing, sewing, fun.

I can't get enough of our family pictures...This one is probably my favorite. really is like this...the world revolves around this little guy. Loves!


Jennifer said...

TRIPLE SQUEEE!!! We get to see you and your family!! That's going to make that Christmas week for me! :)

Krista said...

Blog what you want to blog!! We all love to read it!! You don't have to have it in your book. You can always delete the ones you don't want printed out! I miss seeing your daily thoughts. Can't wait to see you soon!!

Cheree said...

I agree w/ Krista. I've never been bored here! :)

We need to get together. It's been too long . . .

Krista said...

Ahem!! So, Monday has come and gone! Where are the pics of that cute little boy? ;)