Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Next year we're gonna try the Churducken.

Is that how you spell that?

We did have a Cajun Turkey and Cajun gravy, so yum!

I could not have been more thankful than I was for Thanksgiving this year.
I felt that my blessings were just overflowing.
And the main source of those blessings: Family.
We had 18 people in our home on Turkey day. It was a blast!

I couldn't figure out which picture I loved more....everyone's facial expressions were SO cute in each one....so I posted them all!
Topher makes me laugh in each of them. Thanks dude.

 Emily and Jed came up from San Antonio. I'm always SO happy to see them.
Em actually surprised me this time....she texted me at 12 saying she was having lunch at work, then again at 6 saying they were just leaving....then showed up at my door at 8! Eek! Such fun!
 After dinner, she and Jed entertained us with the sparkling cider bottles!
 My dad's youngest sister, Kim and her daughter, Mariah came up from Laredo, Tx! It was great to see them, they are always fun to have around!
 And we felt SO lucky to have Grammy, Papa and Topher come down from MinnSNOWta. It's getting harder and harder to drive up to see them, with kids in school and time off work, so we were ecstatic that they came to us this year!
 ....and of course I had to share the place cards Emily and I made.
We had the kids go out and pick up colorful leaves....added a bit of burlap and viola!
So pretty!
I know there was some disappointment in our home when we decided not to go to our regular Thanksgiving hot spot, Texas de Brazil. BUT this year felt more like Thanksgiving than any other year I can remember. Loved it!

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