Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Practically perfect in every way

I love downtown Ft Worth. I'm so glad James works there and not in Dallas anymore. I feel like Dallas is sleek and shiny but busy and crazy complicated. But Ft Worth feels more down-to-earth. And I can actually navigate there and get where I need to go with only a little help from James.
At Sundance square, they are having a Summer Movie Night every Wednesday. You bring your chairs and blankets and settle in for a fun movie projected on a big screen.
We were scared we'd get rained out on this particular Wednesday, but it passed us by and we were able to enjoy unseasonably cool weather! At one time the girls even said they were cold. Which is absolutely unheard of in July in Texas! Cold, ha!
The only downside to our excursion is that Jax's fever came back. He's had a virus... Took him to the doctor on Tuesday and she said there's nothing that could be done... just Tylenol and wait it out. It was the weirdest virus, too. He'd be fine all day, even without a dose of medicine... then the next moment, he'd be down for the count, high fever and lethargic.
We left for Sundance square and he was feeling just fine... but by the time we got there, 30 mins max... he was burning up and just wanted to sleep. And of course, I had forgotten the Tylenol. MOTY award goes to *this gal* right here... cause what did I do? Turn the crazy bus around, no. Make James go find a Walgreens, no. I took a picture and propped him up in a chair with a blanket and let him sleep. Of course, when you have a sick kiddo... all you can think about is them... it's hard to enjoy anything when you're worried.
Before the movie started, Leroy and the Jubilettes from the Jubilee Theater in Downtown performed some fun songs for us. They had the crowd up and dancing, doing the twist... such a fun way to pass the time, waiting for it to get dark!

They started the movie right at 9...the sun had finally gone down.
Every time I watch this movie, it brings the feels. The happy feels.
So many lines.... spit spot.... You are the father of Jane and Michael Banks, are you not?
Mary Poppins: practically perfect in every way.
She really is, isn't she?
I wish we would have been going to these every week. Of course, we have to skip swim practice, but the girls don't mind. We would be going tonight to see The Muppets. But Bella has Activity Days...and I promised myself, in all the things we have to do, we'd put church first. But next week! They're showing Back To The Future, another classic! Can't wait.


Danielle said...

how fun! it's so weird that we never knew about this? mary poppins would have been great to see with my madster.

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I'm pretty sure I told y'all about it in our chat.... maybe it was one that got lost!